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Pris högt till lågt, Fuchsia, Blomma or Balklänningar - JJ's
These plants also a favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds. You can train a fuchsia (Fuchsia) plant into a small tree, with a single trunk, a crown of foliage and gorgeous flowers dangling down. Fuchsia hybrids are your best choice to train into standards. Fuchsia flowers usually have sepals (the petal-like parts at the top of the flower) that blend or contrast in colour with the softer single or double petals that flair out below. Stamens protrude from beneath the petals, looking like a bunch of skinny, dangling legs. Standard fuchsias are one of the most eye catching and self satisfying ways of training fuchsias. Planted out into the garden they can add instant height and colour and whilst they might look difficult to grow they can be surprisingly easy, after all they are just a bush on a stem.
and for training into standard fuchsias. Modern varieties are as good-looking as tender fuchsias. However, it's very important to bear in mind that the growing tip is also where the flowers will form. On average it takes something in the order of 6 to 8 weeks after pinching out, before flowers will form on the new stems.
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regularly tip prune (pinch out the growing tip) to encourage bushy growth. root prune basket grown plants in late winter. Fuchsias thrive in humidity, so if you live in a dry climate, you may have to mist your plants to keep them sufficiently moist.
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You can fertilize fuchsias every couple of weeks in spring and summer but begin to taper off feeding as fall approaches. Diluted fish emulsion works beautifully. Standard fuchsia should always be overwintered frost-free, as the main stem is prone to cold damage, even if the variety is regarded as being hardy.
Keeping them happy indoors through the dry months of winter can be challenging.
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Fuchsias in containers need watering twice to three times a week, depending on climate conditions. Keep potting up as needed. As the whip grows, sideshoots will develop and some of these will need removing. A full standard will need about 6 pairs of sideshoots at the head whilst a mini standard will need about 4. So, if you are growing a full standard for instance, remove all the sideshoots below the top 6.
root prune basket grown plants in late winter.
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As the whip grows, sideshoots will develop and some of these will need removing. A full standard will need about 6 pairs of sideshoots at the head whilst a mini standard will need about 4. So, if you are growing a full standard for instance, remove all … During the winter, fuchsias can be kept two ways - DORMANT. This means that plants are kept in a cool enough (not freezing) environment that inhibits any growth at all and will look much like the one on the right for the duration of the winter.