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av D Walldén · 2019 · Citerat av 1 — Keywords: EU, Pesco, defence policy, security policy, foreign policy, Medical Command där syftet är att ge EU en bestående medicinsk av K Engberg · 2021 · Citerat av 1 — 3.4 Enhanced Cooperation: Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). EMC European Medical Command resilience, now also in the health sector. Te. Dokumenten som hjälper till med att utforma ny EU-lagstiftning (Think Tank) such as strategic airlift, secure communications and command and control. of repatriation and evacuation of citizens and transported medical supplies and Permanent structured cooperation (PESCO): From notification to establishment. Permanenta strukturerade samarbetet (Pesco), Koordinerade försvarsöversynen Center, Military Mobility och European Medical Command Pesco sätter det legala ramverket för samarbetet och innehåller 20 bindande åtaganden som de deltagande länderna har förbundit sig till. av C Major · 2017 · Citerat av 8 — EU structures in security and defence are less legally Headquarters (OHQ) able to command an operation, and it (PESCO, if wisely implemented, these in- struments could nudge eration, setting up a European Medical. Command and 19 Försvarsmakten deltar i Pesco-projekten Military Mobility, European Medical Command samt.
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The following projects shall be developed under PESCO: 1. European Medical Command; 2. European Secure Software defined Radio (ESSOR); 3. Network of Logistic Hubs in Europe and Support to Operations 4. Military Mobility; 5.
Försvarsmaktens deltagande i Pescoprojekt
The second wave of projects adopted in November 2018 included unmanned ground systems, an underwater intervention package and the Eurodrone, among 14 others. Finally, th e When PESCO was established in December 2017, the 25 participating EU Member States agreed on 20 binding commitments in five areas*. These form the core of PESCO. Of currently 47 projects (one of which has been completed), Germany is participating in 16 and coordinating six, including the European Medical Command (EMC) and the Network of European Medical Command Leadnation: Deutschland Beteiligt: Italien, Niederlande, Spanien, Nur gehört das bei PESCO nicht zu den vordringlichsten Problemen.
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2021-02-28 for PESCO by building on the momentum generated by the aforementioned internal and external factors. PESCO is a ready-made tool for differentiation enshrined in the Treaties (Article 42.6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and related Protocol). Implementation of PESCO would be a game changer leading to deeper integration in the defence field.
European Training Certification Centre for European Armies; 7.
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Through government-to-government cooperation on defence, Member States could manage to bring their capabilities up to NATO and EU standards and thus becoming better partners in those multilateral institutions. and training.
Any participating at the PESCO Member State has taken over the coordination for each project. Germany is involved in 16 projects.
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4. PESCO Secretariat:The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the EEAS, including the EU Military Staff, are jointly providing secretariat functions for all PESCO matters, with a single point of contact for the participating Member States.